New Book Pocket Tonie here Simply So Lovely on Sale. Use discount code : SSLTake10 to take 10% OFF all Tonies. Free UK shipping over £25. A Christmasaurus Book Tonie will always be discounted at Simply So Lovely UK using code SSLtake10 discount code
From best-selling author, and Mcfly member, Tom Fletcher, comes the first instalment of the Christmasaurus tales. Listeners just pop this Book Pocket Tonie on the Toniebox and snuggle up to join William, his dad (who is also the number one fan of Christmas) and the Christmasaurus on one big festive adventure. This is a full length, completely unabridged reading of The Christmasaurus and is perfect for cosy listening in the run up to Christmas and beyond!
Age 6+
List of titles:
Running Time
approx. 338 minutes
Age Recommendation
Age 6+
Paul Shelley