Tonie Characters here Simply So Lovely on Sale. Use discount code : SSLTake10 to take 10% OFF all Tonies. Free UK shipping over £25. Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree will add to your Tonies collection. Always Tonie Deals and 10% discounts at Simply So Lovely UK or the 4 for 3 Tonie Offer on, when applicable.
Kate Winslet brings to life this charming abridged version of The Faraway Tree series, written by the world’s best-loved children’s author, Enid Blyton.
Join Joe, Beth and Frannie and their friends Silky the fairy and Moon-Face on their adventures as they discover the magical new lands that await them at the top of the Faraway Tree.
Age 6+
List of titles
Running Time
approx. 117 minutes
Age Recommendation
Age 6+
Special features
Magnetic, hand-painted
Included in delivery
1x Tonie
WLAN with internet connection and Toniebox required.