Tonie Characters here Simply So Lovely on Sale. Use discount code : SSLTake10 to take 10% OFF all Tonies. Free UK shipping over £25. Disney Doc Mcstuffins Tonie will add to your Tonies collection. Tonies will always be discounted at Simply So Lovely in the UK or have the 4 for 3 Tonie offer on, when applicable.
Doc McStuffins is a little girl who aspires to be a doctor, just like her mum. Her patients include her broken toys, dolls and stuffed animals who come to life when she puts on her stethoscope.
Young fans can enjoy two uplifting stories from the popular Disney series and bop along to five 17 catchy songs they’ll recognise from the hit TV show.
Age 3+
List of titles:
Age Recommendation
Age 3+
Special features
Magnetic, hand-painted
Included in delivery
1x Tonie
WLAN with internet connection and Toniebox required.