Immerse yourself in the world of Sesame Street’s greediest Muppet, Cookie Monster, as his constant craving for cookies takes you on a journey of catchy songs and sage advice on healthy eating.
Age 3+
List of titles
01 - Welcome to Sesame Street!
02 - Sunny Day: Sesame Street Theme
03 - Introducing Healthy Habits
04 - Hello Song
05 - Super Snack Challenge
06 - Cookie Monster’s Foodie Truck
07 - C Is for Cookie
08 - Cooking with Cookie
09 - Me Want It (But Me Wait)
10 - Who’s Got the Moves
11 - Monster Games
12 - Cookie Monster Dance Party
13 - Monster Cool Down
Running Time
approx. 40 minutes
Age Recommendation
Age 3+
Special features
Magnetic, hand-painted
Included in delivery
1x Tonie
WLAN with internet connection and Toniebox required.